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    1 year ago

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The April is coming soon. The Spring flowers are blooming,and I play the "Una Limosna " again to remember my father and my brother---Yes, I did not know the man who just released from a re-educational campain was my father---At that time , I was only five years old. He wanted to hold me and gave me some kisses , but...I run away. I hated him because they taught me he was a bad man, a betrayed and fought again Vietnamese people. Now, I know he was a  hero. Vietnamese people memories... Navy soldier before 1975--The Apirl is coming again...I, the one who was born when the Civil War 1975 ends, the wound of our Vietnamese people have not been heal. --"Boat people"--That is the greatest immigration in the history world-following the author String Stubb wrote in his book " Why they left the home thay love so much?'---Among my citation when I deliveried my speech in my speech class when I studied in college--Some my classmates asked me "Why? why Vietnamese left their home they love so much..." ---I almost cried , and I could not speak any word.
We can not forget this sorrow of our national people.It is not only each own individual.---My speech teacher said sorry to me " We, American people, appologize to Vietnam--We have a great responsibilities with your country"----

Chúa sẽ che chở cho bạn"--Hầu hết các tác phẩm cuả Augustine Barrios mở đầu là u uẩn, thống thiết niềm đau, nhưng phần kết bao giờ cũng mở ra chân trời tươi sáng----Nguyên Thảo thićh tác phẩm này..vẻ đẹp u hoài, đau đớn cuả "Una Limosna"---Tiếc rằng sử dụng cây đàn "cũ , gỗ tạp" nên chơi không  đạt vì luć này không có ý định chơi nhạc lại ..

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